Unusual question - how connect USB pendrive to a SATA bus ?

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Unusual question - how connect USB pendrive to a SATA bus ?

Postby igen » 03.07.24, 16:10


I have an unusual question.

Normally, there are plenty of interfaces on the market that allow you to connect, for example, a SATA drive to a USB port on a computer.
I'm looking for the exact opposite solution.
My question - how to connect e.g. a USB pendrive to a SATA controller on a computer.
Is this even possible?

Thank you in advance for any tips and suggestions.
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Re: Unusual question - how connect USB pendrive to a SATA bus ?

Postby Roman_TS » 04.07.24, 10:15

Adapter is existing literary for everything.
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Re: Unusual question - how connect USB pendrive to a SATA bus ?

Postby igen » 04.07.24, 11:13

Roman_TS wrote:Source of the post Adapter is existing literary for everything.

Thanks Roman for the answer,
I was looking for such an interface and unfortunately I can't find it.

I have a flash drive that has physical errors in its file system metadata.
It detects itself for 1-2 seconds and then disconnects itself from the system.
It reads the MBR, then tries to read the file system, encounters an error and says goodbye.
I don't want to mess with chip-off - I need a relatively full file system.
I can't turn off autodetection under Win 7/10/11 - I tried to disable file system reading via USB from under the system - but I can't block it.
I need to connect to DE (via SATA or ATA) and map the file system.
Unfortunately I don't have pc3k portable - I'm looking simple solutions...

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Re: Unusual question - how connect USB pendrive to a SATA bus ?

Postby Roman_TS » 04.07.24, 19:41

USB and SATA - are two different interfaces with it's own data transfer protocol. There should be a special bridge which convert USB into SATA, or SATA into USB. Usually such bridges are using inside USB HDD or USB SSD, and in most cases it was made to convert SATA into USB, but not USB into SATA :)
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ACELab Technical Support

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