Samsung 830 Gets Stuck Busy on LDR Uploads

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Samsung 830 Gets Stuck Busy on LDR Uploads

Postby DataMedics » 16.04.19, 22:43

So I've got a Samsung 830 from a 2012 macbook here. It's able to go into safe mode, but no matter which of the four ldrs I use it gets stuck busy. I've never seen one do this before.

The ID reads as this:
Samsung 830 CXMRO025.jpg
Samsung 830 CXMRO025.jpg (6.38 KiB) Viewed 12006 times

I've recorded a couple of videos showing what happens when I try to do ldr upload of any of the four: ... DR_No_Good ... ot_Working

Is this firmware version just not compatible or supported yet?

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Re: Samsung 830 Gets Stuck Busy on LDR Uploads

Postby Roman_TS » 17.04.19, 10:16

Better to ask for support in our TS portal:, because we might not see your request here, on forum.
Create a ticket, and we will try to help you with this case.
With best regards
ACELab Technical Support

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Re: Samsung 830 Gets Stuck Busy on LDR Uploads

Postby DataMedics » 17.04.19, 21:02

Unfortunately, my support period is currently expired. I'm just trying to figure out if it's a lost cause.

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Re: Samsung 830 Gets Stuck Busy on LDR Uploads

Postby Roman_TS » 18.04.19, 10:32

We can provide you help or advice without support. You are our customer, so it's important for us to give you a help if you need it. With TS purchase we can deal later.
Catch me in TS, and I will check your case and will try to find the way how to get access to DA.
With best regards
ACELab Technical Support

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