OCZ VT180 - Attention! There is zero block size for chip with id 0x408D07A93A43A98 in NAND flash chiPS data base of PC3K

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OCZ VT180 - Attention! There is zero block size for chip with id 0x408D07A93A43A98 in NAND flash chiPS data base of PC3K

Postby -BR- » 12.10.19, 00:04

After power on SSD became ready, but get BSY forever after any command (i.e. read HDD ID)

Controller chip:

After jumper short and power on, Hdd enters SAFE mode it detects as:

Serial : 0123456789abffbf2444
Firmware : 00.P80
Capacity : 137 GB (268 435 456)

On PC3K SSD I Select OCZ > Vector 180 series > Safe mode and perform requested short

Terminal messages:
Tech-key - OK
Attention! There is zero block size for chip with id 0x408D07A93A43A98 in NAND flash chips data base of PC3000

Nand page read error, chip=o page=0x00000004 size=0 options=2: DMA Ext Reading error UDMA Stop error: DA=0;CS0N=[1];CS1N=[1]; .... (more)
Power off
Power on
Write RAM error: Write sector error HDD Data Timeout
endless looop from here on repeating last 4 messages

Nand page read error, chip=o page=0x00000004 size=0 options=2: DMA Ext Reading error UDMA Stop error: DA=0;CS0N=[1];CS1N=[1]; .... (more)
Power off
Power on
Write RAM error: Write sector error HDD Data Timeout
Nand page read error, chip=o page=0x00000004 size=0 options=2: DMA Ext Reading error UDMA Stop error: DA=0;CS0N=[1];CS1N=[1]; .... (more)
Power off
Power on
Write RAM error: Write sector error HDD Data Timeout

Already seen video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxrg_helKLE
Already read blog page https://blog.acelaboratory.com/pc-3000-ssd-ocz-family.html

Any advice on how to recover data?
Thank you

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Re: OCZ VT180 - Attention! There is zero block size for chip with id 0x408D07A93A43A98 in NAND flash chiPS data base of

Postby Roman_TS » 12.10.19, 14:25

Hello. This model of drive is not supported officially. I already reply you in ticket. If you want to recover it - you can try to send this drive to Prague, we will check the possibility to add it in support list.
With best regards
ACELab Technical Support

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