88SS1074 BSW2 short pins

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88SS1074 BSW2 short pins

Postby Issam » 20.06.22, 11:55

I have the latest pc3000 version 7.1
Kindly tell me the short pins and how to build translator
thank you
Model: SUV400S37/960G
Manufacturer: Kingston
Name: Kingston Technology
Capacity: 960GB

Cover Label:
7792992- 1732

Controller Label:
88SS1074 BSW2
1721 BJE
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Re: 88SS1074 BSW2 short pins

Postby Roman_TS » 20.06.22, 14:41


Every single manufacturer who is dealing with Marvell controller is writing its own firmware for each new model of SSD. As the
result, we should develop a new utility for every single Marvell-based case. Right now, we can work with the following models:

Sandisk SSD Plus
Sandisk Ultra II
WD Blue

All of them are based on Marvell 88SS1074. Other models, including the Kingston SUV400, I'm afraid, are not listed. Probably we will add them in the future, but I don't have any estimated time for now. Marvell's technology is extremely complex, developers spend around 18 months to add 88SS1074 support for these 3 models.
With best regards
ACELab Technical Support

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Re: 88SS1074 BSW2 short pins

Postby Issam » 22.06.22, 11:19

Roman_TS wrote:Source of the post Hello,

Every single manufacturer who is dealing with Marvell controller is writing its own firmware for each new model of SSD. As the
result, we should develop a new utility for every single Marvell-based case. Right now, we can work with the following models:

Sandisk SSD Plus
Sandisk Ultra II
WD Blue

All of them are based on Marvell 88SS1074. Other models, including the Kingston SUV400, I'm afraid, are not listed. Probably we will add them in the future, but I don't have any estimated time for now. Marvell's technology is extremely complex, developers spend around 18 months to add 88SS1074 support for these 3 models.

thank you dear Roman, you mean that my disk is not supported, right ?

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Re: 88SS1074 BSW2 short pins

Postby Issam » 22.06.22, 11:27

Can you tell me please how to connect to usb adapter i want to learn

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Re: 88SS1074 BSW2 short pins

Postby Roman_TS » 23.06.22, 16:04

No, it's not supported.
With best regards
ACELab Technical Support

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Re: 88SS1074 BSW2 short pins

Postby DRUG » 04.08.22, 12:30

I have solution for that model if you want to outsource.

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