BSY state Neutron -> after write H in terminal go to RDY, but...

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BSY state Neutron -> after write H in terminal go to RDY, but...

Postby HEX » 18.04.18, 07:28

I did not have the opportunity to work with Neutron series disks.

Corsair Neutron 128 GB
P / N: CSSD-N-128GB3-BK

After starting the disk, it enters the BSY state and remains so.
Does not display disk data.
After finding the termianal pinout, I get a log:

Amber Build: Tue Jan 01 15:18:45 2013

M.3.0.6 svn:18890 svn://n0106/Ganador/branches/Hynix/channel
CK:0 PR:1 SP:1

CH | CE | Status
00 | 02 | OK OK
01 | 02 | OK OK
02 | 02 | OK OK
03 | 02 | OK OK
04 | 02 | OK OK
05 | 02 | OK OK
06 | 02 | OK OK
07 | 02 | OK OK

(8 ch) x (2 CE/ch)

After entering the "h" character, the disk exits the BSY status, it gets ready, provides identification data and ...
I get another message from the terminal:


ID: ad ee 94 eb 74 - HYNIX


Error 00000000:40005024 ch:1(1) die:0(0) block:813(32D) page:254(FE)
Error 40005024:40005024 ch:1(1) die:0(0) block:813(32D) page:254(FE)

Initialize for Dump...

CH | CE | Status
00 | 02 | OK OK
01 | 02 | OK OK
02 | 02 | OK OK
03 | 02 | OK OK
04 | 02 | OK OK
05 | 02 | OK OK
06 | 02 | OK OK
07 | 02 | OK OK

(8 ch) x (2 CE/ch)
Cannot dump!

After this message, further work with the disk (sector edition, ID refreshing) causes the drive to go back to the BSY state and no response.
There are also no messages in the terminal.
What are the further suggestions for working with this disc?

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