IBM IC35L036UWD210

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IBM IC35L036UWD210

Postby dmarques » 15.10.08, 18:22


I have a IBM IC35L036UWD210 with a damaged PCB.
I swapped PCB by 2 others I have here with same P/N, and when I start the drive, spins, shows 0 mb of size and when I try to enter utility by reading SA drive power down.
Anyone had this problem already?


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Re: IBM IC35L036UWD210

Postby ACE_Admin » 17.10.08, 10:09

These drives can have their PCB swapped with the donor's but if the donor has the same firmware version. Usually NV-Ram is an 8-leg pin. PC-3000 SCSI has more description about it.

The second thing you can try is to use Hot swap method for this drive. It is described on 4.9 , 4.10 Chapters in the manual for PC-3000 SCSI manual.

Very often this family has scratched surface problem
With best regards
ACE Lab technical support

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