Ultra 320 SCSI cards compatible with Win10?

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Ultra 320 SCSI cards compatible with Win10?

Postby osity » 04.01.17, 17:20

im looking for an Ultra 320 SCSI card that will be compatible with windows 10 to connect an old Maxtor 73GB drive.
Does anyone know of such a model?

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Re: Ultra 320 SCSI cards compatible with Win10?

Postby ThomasH » 17.05.17, 09:07

I've only ever used adaptec 29160 scsi cards, and I've read they work with Windows 10, though I've never tried. Not 320, but for me they work great with the occasional scsi drive I see. Will work with 'ultra 320' drives at a reduced speed, but is still fast.
- enough to buy several and clone multiples at the same time if you get a scsi RAID.
I'm sure there are plenty of others to choose from though.

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Re: Ultra 320 SCSI cards compatible with Win10?

Postby osity » 17.05.17, 13:57

Yeah windows 10 is great at detecting drivers . I ended up buying a random LSI card and it just worked when I plugged it in.

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Re: Ultra 320 SCSI cards compatible with Win10?

Postby DataMedics » 24.05.17, 22:09

I do all my SCSI stuff in Linux, or occasionally in DOS if I need to use plscsi.exe to regenerate a translator.

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