modules needed for hot swap for old quantum LCT

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modules needed for hot swap for old quantum LCT

Postby Continuum » 01.04.14, 08:40

What modules do you need to re-write to a donor to give a proper read after a hot swap?

Do they even have p-lists?

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Re: modules needed for hot swap for old quantum LCT

Postby AJ2008 » 28.04.14, 14:34

Module 60 is plist, and 61 is plist log (or maybe other way around?)

You need to write plist log, then select rebuild plist from logs (maybe you can simply write plist)

What is filesystem? For old models with common systems like FAT32 / NTFS, you can hotswap and image without writing adaptives, then you can use DE to seek shift points and amend them

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Re: modules needed for hot swap for old quantum LCT

Postby Continuum » 01.07.14, 07:09

Now I need to know how to calculate teh LBA when I do the translator rebuild from teh heads, cyliners and sectors.

I thought that it would be 512 sectors per head, but that is not right as there are more.

Any insights?

I have one error at cylinder 14, head 0, and sector 427 which corresponds to lba 18,013.

Anyone able to go back that far and remember what to do? I have wracked my brains but cannot remember (from the days of PC3000 ISA)

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