SATA0-SATA1 Port order in Windows Taskbar - Able to change / reorder?

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SATA0-SATA1 Port order in Windows Taskbar - Able to change / reorder?

Postby ThomasH » 10.01.25, 17:14

Is there an easy way to reorganize the SATA port order within the windows Taskbar (when you mouse-roll-over the PC3000 Icon in the taskbar)?
It's more of an annoyance than a problem, but for various reasons (often seemingly for no good reason) the SATA Port order of PC3000 project windows gets mixed up in the left-to-right order in how Windows displays them when you roll-over the icon in the taskbar.

in the Windows Taskbar pop-up, I wish it would always look like:
and when it gets out of order, I wish there was a simple way to re-order them back to this without closing and restarting the projects in order again. Is there a way that I'm missing?

instead of sometimes looking out-of-order like:
SATA1 - SATA3 - SATA2 - SATA0 , for instance.

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Re: SATA0-SATA1 Port order in Windows Taskbar - Able to change / reorder?

Postby d_d_recovery » 10.01.25, 17:35

You just choose one, click/hold and drag it to the new position.

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Re: SATA0-SATA1 Port order in Windows Taskbar - Able to change / reorder?

Postby ThomasH » 10.01.25, 18:42

On my systems it seems like that would work, but since it's just a mouse-over pop up, it doesn't allow me to drag, and just switches to the other ports' pop-up without dragging anything despite click/hold and drag.
It's the same on all my pc3000 systems. I wonder if it's a Windows setting to allow that...

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Re: SATA0-SATA1 Port order in Windows Taskbar - Able to change / reorder?

Postby d_d_recovery » 10.01.25, 19:05

Yes its a Windows thing. You need to lock the taskbar.

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Re: SATA0-SATA1 Port order in Windows Taskbar - Able to change / reorder?

Postby ThomasH » 10.01.25, 19:24

I'm on Windows 10 Pro, 64bit, latest pc3000 updates.
Tried locking taskbar, and many various settings involving the taskbar, but so far, no luck for me. What version of Windows are you on?
I've attached a pic of the situation for clarification, in case we're talking about different things.
PC3k taskbar popup order.jpg
PC3k taskbar popup order.jpg (4.11 KiB) Viewed 245 times

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Re: SATA0-SATA1 Port order in Windows Taskbar - Able to change / reorder?

Postby d_d_recovery » 10.01.25, 19:37

I am also on W10 Pro and I see all my icons seperately and they can be moved around. Maybe ACE can shed some light on it.
PE Icons.PNG
PE Icons.PNG (8.93 KiB) Viewed 239 times

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Re: SATA0-SATA1 Port order in Windows Taskbar - Able to change / reorder?

Postby ThomasH » 10.01.25, 23:13

I think the difference in our settings is under the Taskbar options, I have mine set to "Combine Taskbar Buttons" - "Always, hide labels".
However, even when I choose to never combine taskbar buttons, to make it look similar to your setup, I can't drag and drop the order.
I will say though, maybe there's another difference if the red square next to the 4 pc3000 icons is related to the pc3000. Is it just a different icon for something else maybe?

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Re: SATA0-SATA1 Port order in Windows Taskbar - Able to change / reorder?

Postby d_d_recovery » 10.01.25, 23:56

Thats just Anydesk.

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