Accidental clearing of the map (green cubes) in the DE task...

Data recovery from Hard Disk Drives with logical problems

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Accidental clearing of the map (green cubes) in the DE task...

Postby igen » 12.10.24, 00:55

Hello everyone,

I accidentally cleared (via "clear map" in DE) some of the mapped sectors (correctly read - green cubes) in DE.

Unfortunately, the source disk condition has degraded - and I can no longer easily read these sectors again.
Is there any information in the task (in task directory with the image file) about previously read and now cleared sectors ?
Is it possible to somehow copy (read) these sectors that were in green cubes - and are now white (as unread) ?
Unfortunately, I do not know which "green cubes - sectors" I cleared via "clear map"...
Correct reading was performed to "file image" files...

I have one more question...
In "task statistic" - (legend) it shows me negative (with a minus) numbers of sectors (e.g. black cubes or yellow cubes). These negative values ??are even after full clearing of the map - via "clear map".
This is not the first time I have encountered such a case...
What does this mean?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best regards.
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Re: Accidental clearing of the map (green cubes) in the DE task...

Postby osity » 22.10.24, 17:04

There's a pretty clear pop up warning stating that when you clear them that it 'may coast data lost!'
Unfortunately, as the sectors have ben reverted back to unread sectors, you're feeling the 'coast'.

Regarding the legend map, try legend>service>recalc

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Re: Accidental clearing of the map (green cubes) in the DE task...

Postby osity » 23.10.24, 15:47

Regarding your negative number of sectors, you are likely looking at your incremental task statistics telling you how many sectors have been reduced in that section.
If you uncheck incremental, you should see the numbers without negatives.

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Re: Accidental clearing of the map (green cubes) in the DE task...

Postby igen » 31.10.24, 13:11

Osity, thanks ...:) :thumbup:
Any man is liable to err, only a fool persists in error.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

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