Integral Ultima Pro 64GB SD card

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Integral Ultima Pro 64GB SD card

Postby Savagess » 02.12.24, 16:15

Is there a fix for a Sony DSC-HX350 camera that suddenly lost all pictures on an Integral Ultima Pro SD card? I scanned the SD card with R-Studio, but it showed up as completely empty. This occurred with two SD cards belonging to the customer. The client ceased using the SD cards immediately after the issue arose.
Is it possible to recover data using NAND protocol chip off?

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Re: Integral Ultima Pro 64GB SD card

Postby Roman_TS » 03.12.24, 08:28


If the card was formatted inside the digital camera, then the camera already erased the main SD card translator. That's why you see only empty areas on this card.

To recover it, the only way is useing the NAND protocol. But all depends on the controller inside, type of ECC and XOR. Finally, need to understand - it's a monolithic card or a card with the external NAND and controller.
With best regards
ACELab Technical Support

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