Palmer issue UNC

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Palmer issue UNC

Postby emir_has » 05.12.24, 14:33

I have issue with this drive trying to access to user data. I have unlocked ROM and swap USB pcb with compatible sata. The disk initilize it self in PC3k. I backed up most SA modules except 190. I get errors trying to read 190 module on both copies. When I try to access user data I get UNC error.
I am using latest version of PC3K software but has no experiance wiht these Palmer drives.
Please if somebody can help?

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Re: Palmer issue UNC

Postby digitalsupport » 10.12.24, 08:45

There are several useful blogpost containing 190 and T2 trouble. Also there are new options for T2 module save and recovery.
If you are not familiar with with WD SMR you should open an ticked and let ACELab guide you.

Update, take on Northwinds offer to have a look at it.

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