Supermassive Software Update: PC-3000 Ver. 7.4.x, Data Extractor Ver. 6.4.x, PC-3000 SSD Ver. 3.4.x

ACE Laboratory latest news about the PC-3000 tools

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Supermassive Software Update: PC-3000 Ver. 7.4.x, Data Extractor Ver. 6.4.x, PC-3000 SSD Ver. 3.4.x

Postby ACE_Admin » 09.02.24, 15:13

Dear PC-3000 users!

The latest PC-3000 Software is available now!


PC-3000 Ver. 7.4.11
Data Extractor Ver. 6.4.11
PC-3000 SSD Ver. 3.4.10

It’s one of the biggest PC-3000 updates ever, and it brings so many changes and improvements.
The ACE Lab team is sure that it will significantly help PC-3000 users to increase their modern drives’ recovery rate!

See the list of the main enhancements in the full article

ACE Lab technical engineers have made a short overview video of the new features available in the latest update. We highly recommend you to watch it from beginning to end for better understanding how the new modes and features work.

Feel free to send your questions in our TS ticket system: and enjoy our new PC-3000 7.4.x update!
With best regards
ACE Lab technical support

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